The Bachelor of Science degree in ‘Human Movement in Sports & Exercise’ is a rare study field in Germany. As students, we get a broad overview into scientific topics regarding health issues and elite sports. Content of the lectures includes sports medicine, sport psychology, neurocognition, biomechanics and much more. Moreover, the whole research process on how to conduct an own study is taught. Therefore, we also spend time in the sports lab and learn how to measure with force plates or collect electromyography data. Elite athletes from various sports like soccer, handball, or trampolining join the studies in order to get the newest scientific results. Besides, we are also testing new equipment outside of the laboratory.

During the fifth term, we have to participate as an intern for six months. It is recommended to use this time and spend it abroad, hence I collected data from universities around the world: South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, England and Iceland, to name a few. Eventually, I got accepted at the Reykjavik University in Iceland and will be part of the Sport Science department where I will conduct a project on performance analysis in soccer. The internship will start at the beginning of October and I will keep you updated on my project.

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